Natural disasters

Tropical storms

While Oman’s climate is generally dry, heavy rains do fall, usually in the winter. Flash floods can cause injuries and deaths. Cyclones from the Indian Ocean occasionally make landfall in Oman in the summer months, resulting in a disruption of services and utilities. You should follow any instructions given in an official weather warning. Check local weather forecasts and seek advice about travelling conditions particularly if you are considering any off-road travel or adventure tourism, including to Wadi areas (dry riverbeds).

Flash flooding

Oman has a number of wadis which can be prone to flash flooding following heavy rainfall.  Before travelling to a wadi, check the weather forecast and avoid travelling to places where heavy rain is expected for at least one day afterwards. If you’re caught in a flash flood, go to a high point and don’t attempt to cross the water. If you’re in a vehicle, try to drive to a dry spot.

You should follow any directives or guidance provided by the Royal Oman Police.