
Coronavirus travel health

Check the latest information on risk from COVID-19 for Yemen on the TravelHealthPro website

See the TravelHealthPro website for further advice on travel abroad and reducing spread of respiratory viruses during the COVID-19 pandemic.

International travel

There are limited commercial flights entering or leaving Yemen. The majority of land sea and air ports are closed until further notice. Check with your travel company for the latest information.

The British government cannot provide consular support or any form of assisted departure to British nationals in Yemen. If you need urgent consular assistance, call the FCDO in London on +44 (0)20 7008 5000.

Entry and borders

See Entry requirements to find out what you will need to do when you arrive in Yemen.

Be prepared for your plans to change

No travel is risk-free during COVID-19. Countries may further restrict travel or bring in new rules at short notice, for example due to a new COVID-19 variant. Check with your travel company or airline for any transport changes which may delay your journey home.

If you test positive for COVID-19, you may need to stay where you are until you test negative. You may also need to seek treatment there.

Plan ahead and make sure you:

  • can access money
  • understand what your insurance will cover
  • can make arrangements to extend your stay and be away for longer than planned

Travel in Yemen

Authorities across Yemen have introduced a range of measures. These include curfews, movement restrictions, closures of businesses and limitations on public and private gatherings. Implementation may vary and restrictions can change at short notice.

Some areas have designated quarantine camps. These can vary in both quality and access to medical provision.

Healthcare in Yemen

Medical facilities, particularly away from the main towns, are poor. There are four testing facilities in Mukalla, Sana’a, Aden and Taiz.


For information on financial support you can access whilst abroad, visit our financial assistance guidance.

Further information

If you have any questions about travel restrictions to Yemen, you should contact the nearest Yemeni Embassy.